SMART to Mediate | How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads

Smart To Mediate with Tony Mascolo, Esq.

August 30, 2024 Tony Mascolo, Esq.

How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads

I help attorneys and adjusters resolve cases quickly so they can end the exhausting cycle of drawn out litigation and save money, reduce caseloads, make clients happy, and stop working 80 hours a week.



Tony Mascolo, Esq.

How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads

I help attorneys and adjusters resolve cases quickly so they can end the exhausting cycle of drawn out litigation and save money, reduce caseloads, make clients happy, and stop working 80 hours a week.


Hey, you know an attorney or claims adjuster that works 80 hours a week and wakes up in cold sweats thinking about all the work that has to be done or that wasn't done? 

Is that adjuster you? 

Is that attorney you? 

[00:00:18] Personal injury professionals know that this work can beat you up. The day-to-day constant stress of multitudes of cases, court delays, reams of inflowing data, deadlines, client pressure, uncertain outcomes, all of this takes a terrible toll on the attorney's and adjusters who work in this business.

[00:00:39] I know because I've lived your life. I am Tony Mascolo. For almost 40 years, I practiced personal injury law, and I experienced firsthand the pressures of this business and it took its toll on me. I ended up in a hospital. attack and in early unscheduled and fearful retirement about 15 to [00:01:00] 20 years too soon.

[00:01:01] I wasn't ready. That's why I created the Smart to Mediate podcast, so you don't have the same result as me, but rather, you learn how to keep your cases moving, flowing and closing by listening to the people who have been down the road you are now traveling on. You want to be the star attorney in your firm?

[00:01:21] You want to have clients who keep coming back to you? You want to have clients that can't wait to refer others to you? You want to have partners and supervisors view you as the go to claims rep for the most important cases? Then come into our smart to mediate office and have a seat. 

[00:01:40] I'll help you manage your caseload, meet deadlines, save costs, save time, and make happier clients and a happier you.

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