SMART to Mediate | How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads
Resolution Mastery: Build Relationships + Reduce Your Caseload Fast
In this episode, Tony Mascolo, a seasoned attorney and mediator, discusses the power of mediation in reducing caseloads, saving costs, creating time, and making happy clients and a happier and healthier you.
This podcast is for the personal injury claims professionals, adjusters, and attorneys who create solutions for pending claims.
· Drawing from personal experiences, Tony illustrates how redefining oneself can lead to more efficient resolutions, reduced caseloads, and improved professional relationships. Listeners will learn strategies for planning, focusing, and relationship-building to achieve quicker, cost-effective case resolutions.
The Power of Redefinition
· Ever hear of redefinition? It's a powerful concept that involves your vision for the future while you also respect and understand the past....
· Redefinition is going to help you move forward. In this episode, I propose you look at yourself as a Captain of a Luxury Cruise Ship. So go ahead. Put that captain's hat on, look in the mirror, and repeat three times, "I am the captain of my ship of cases, and I do not captain a ship of fools...."
A New Perspective on Claims Professionals
· “Let's be real here. Not too many people like attorneys or insurance adjusters. Just ask them”! This perception is an obstacle that needs to be overcome.
· The Relational Mediation Method recognizes and creates relationships among the interested parties in the litigation. It makes outside perception irrelevant to the work claims professionals every day.
· It embraces the concept that WE, those in the personal injury field, are defined by the work we do together, not by the bar room jokester. We are valuable because we make ourselves valuable. WE DEFINE OURSELVES.
· The relational mediation method facilitates this redefinition by creating a network of attorneys and adjusters who realize it's better to work together while still effectively representing the interest of their clients.
SMART to Mediate | How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads
Smart To Mediate with Tony Mascolo, Esq.
How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads
I help attorneys and adjusters resolve cases quickly so they can end the exhausting cycle of drawn out litigation and save money, reduce caseloads, make clients happy, and stop working 80 hours a week.
Update this. !! Tell your listener what you want them to do.
See Jens episode for a good example.
Tony Mascolo, Esq.
How smart lawyers and claims adjusters litigate fast, save money, and reduce caseloads
I help attorneys and adjusters resolve cases quickly so they can end the exhausting cycle of drawn out litigation and save money, reduce caseloads, make clients happy, and stop working 80 hours a week.
Hey, you know an attorney or claims adjuster that works 80 hours a week and wakes up in cold sweats thinking about all the work that has to be done or that wasn't done?
Is that adjuster you?
Is that attorney you?
[00:00:18] Personal injury professionals know that this work can beat you up. The day-to-day constant stress of multitudes of cases, court delays, reams of inflowing data, deadlines, client pressure, uncertain outcomes, all of this takes a terrible toll on the attorney's and adjusters who work in this business.
[00:00:39] I know because I've lived your life. I am Tony Mascolo. For almost 40 years, I practiced personal injury law, and I experienced firsthand the pressures of this business and it took its toll on me. I ended up in a hospital. attack and in early unscheduled and fearful retirement about 15 to [00:01:00] 20 years too soon.
[00:01:01] I wasn't ready. That's why I created the Smart to Mediate podcast, so you don't have the same result as me, but rather, you learn how to keep your cases moving, flowing and closing by listening to the people who have been down the road you are now traveling on. You want to be the star attorney in your firm?
[00:01:21] You want to have clients who keep coming back to you? You want to have clients that can't wait to refer others to you? You want to have partners and supervisors view you as the go to claims rep for the most important cases? Then come into our smart to mediate office and have a seat.
[00:01:40] I'll help you manage your caseload, meet deadlines, save costs, save time, and make happier clients and a happier you.